Sp-Koti Costa del Sol Sp-Koti Costa del Sol

Sp-Koti Costa del Sol

We care not only about providing quality property but also about offering close and honest treatment.

Sp-Koti Costa del Sol Sp-Koti

Sp-Koti Costa del Sol

Get to know your real estate agency
on the Costa del Sol.

Small details make the difference. At Sp-Koti Costa del Sol, the real estate sector requires more than just professionalism or efficiency. Human treatment, ethics and transparency are pillars on which we support our vocation, which is none other than fulfilling the dream of every person looking for a home on the Costa del Sol.

At Sp-Koti Costa del Sol, we have extensive experience in the sector. With more than 80 offices in Finland under the support of the Sp-Koti brand, we are helping many clients buy, sell, or rent throughout the province of Malaga until we become their trusted real estate agency.

Sp-Koti Costa del Sol

Our real estate advisors, fluent in several languages, have a deep knowledge and understanding of the real estate market in Spain, and many years of experience. But we don't let our path blind us. We love to listen. We understand the needs of our clients, which has led us to grow by knowing more precisely what the client needs. Operating from Fuengirola, we have access to all properties for sale throughout the Costa del Sol, including new and second-hand construction and developable land. We care not only about providing a quality property but also about providing close and honest treatment.

Sp-Koti Costa del Sol

Our Portfolio.

Sp-Koti Costa del Sol has a wide range of properties for sale on the Costa del Sol so that you can access the home that best suits your criteria or needs, from a modern and spacious villa to a cosy apartment. Before working on a property, we review all the documentation so that our buyer clients are not surprised. Our agents have the training, connections, technology and appropriate strategies to purchase the property you are looking for a reality.

We accompany you from the beginning until you have the keys to your new home. We also have additional support from the best lawyers in the area and additional services related to interior design, renovations or the purchase of designer furniture.

At Sp-Koti Costa del Sol

We help you sell your home.

We know that the keys to selling any property are that it has an adequate price and that there is a solvent buyer. For the first, we offer a free and reliable valuation of the actual value of your property, as well as the strategies to follow for the sale to be successful.

To find a buyer in the shortest possible time, we know what criteria need to be used to attract the attention of a future owner:

  • We invest in marketing and dissemination, ensuring more potential buyers know about your property.
  • We multiply the sales possibilities by offering your property to all agencies. All this without added costs!
  • Since we want you to be able to trust us without ties, we offer open orders or orders with sales periods of only 30 days. We want to be your trusted professionals, which can only be achieved in one way: We only win if you win.

By trusting Sp-Koti Costa del Sol, you can focus on other aspects of your life. If you want to sell your house, leave it in our hands!

Office Costa del Sol

Our team

Javier Dibattista
Javier Dibattista

Sales Manager

Kari Raisaari
Kari Raisaari

CEO, partner, administrator

Luís Montealegre
Luís Montealegre

Sales director

Team Costa del Sol
Team Costa del Sol

Team Costa del Sol

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